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Seattle-King County Cyber-Seniors

Welcome to the former landing page for Seattle-King County Cyber-Seniors!

We’re so pleased to be able to connect you with the tech support you need / volunteer opportunities you seek.

We’re in transition – 
Equity in Education Coalition of Washington (EEC) has been identified as the new service provider for older adult digital skills coaching in King County and will be referring all inquiries for Seattle-King County Cyber Seniors to them at this time.

*Beginning December 2022, King County older adults can call (800) 216-1132 for connectivity/software/hardware/ support and training. 

EEC operates TechConnectWA, the nation’s first multi-lingual, multi-cultural help desk staffed by BIPOC technicians that help callers navigate the internet, telehealth calls, and online access to food, rental assistance, and socio-emotional supports. EEC will expand their outreach and digital skills support to older adults, working in partnership with the Filipino Community Center, AARP WA, and other community organizations to reach BIPOC and multilingual older adults. EEC will continue to develop their older adult programming in King County over the next several months.

*Volunteer inquiries for the Equity in Education Coalition WA can be directed to
**For volunteers who would like to continue to stay involved with Cyber-Seniors International – simply login to the volunteer dashboard at to sign up for virtual volunteer shifts!